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Why advertise with us? We are the only online California school inspection resource that is maximizing it's effort to bring inspectors, school district and community college representatives, CM firms and inspection firms together under one roof. Access to quality information, tools, reference materials, contact information, data bases, forums and links is a strong draw for certified school inspectors and prospective inspectors who previously had few, if any, resources available to them. Who should advertise?
Inspection firms and school district representatives are routinely in need of access to inspectors. While some districts and community colleges may select to hire directly, many will choose to contract with established inspection firms that have the required insurance policies as well as contract and billing procedures. Inspection firms can optimize their exposure to inspectors AND school representatives by advertising on the site. Businesses that provide training or preparation courses for the DSA inspectors need to attract people who are interested in becoming inspectors. These 'future' inspectors will be attracted to the site for its wealth of practical information. DSA Inspection Resource is currently offering limited advertising space for inspection firms and businesses or individuals providing education and training to prospective DSA inspectors. The proceeds will help defer the costs of publishing and maintaining the site. Ads will appear in the side bar of the first text page on our site dsainspectionresource.com. The side bar will accommodate ads 1.25"x2" and 1.25"x5". Ads can be in jpeg format or animated gif format and should be at a resolution of 75 to allow quick loading. We utilize Adobe Photoshop cs for all our artwork. We can resize your artwork for you. We can also create your artwork for you; inexpensively, from the ground up. Pricing is based on ad size and the length of time it will appear on the site. Ads can be placed for 3 months, 6 months or 12 months. Pricing for the smaller ad (1.25"x2") is $100 for 6 months, $150 for 12 months and $250 for 24 months. Pricing for the larger ad (1.25"x5") is $150 for 6 months, $200 for 12 months and $300 for 24 months. Contact us by email at dsainspectionresource@earthlink.net. We will follow up by phone if you provide a contact name and number. We look forward to hearing from you! We are not affiliated in anyway with DSA, the "Department of the State Architect", or the State of California.